Products and businesses made by or for disabled people
Made By Maranga
(Part of Spectrum Care)
A creative disability collective based in Wellington.
We create a wide range of bespoke, hand made products.
The Shed Project
028 438 3396
We have social enterprise activities, creating employment and giving our people purpose and meaning. We have a wide range of products that we make, from storage boxes to garden furniture. Also visit our Trade Me store here, where you will find even more great items.
Change Maker was formed by a group of friends seeking meaningful employment and a better life. We are Janie, Nathan, Neville and Cameron and we are people with varied abilities. We are also people with a whole lot of passion for beer; making it, drinking it and sharing it.
Will & Able
Nationwide supply - based in Auckland
WILL&ABLE is a social enterprise that provides jobs for people with mental and physical disabilities. We provide our employees with a job to work at, a community to belong to, a purpose to strive for, a reason to get out of bed in the morning, and a way to develop more independence and financial freedom. Our goal is to employ as many disabled people as possible - across all of New Zealand."