Community and Social Connections

People that provide community day programmes or events that help you make social connections 

Enabling Love


We understand the unique challenges that effect members of the Disability community when it comes to meeting others and forming friendships or relationships. In response to an expressed need by members of the Disability community, we decided to set up our own inclusive service - Enabling Love and Friendship (ELF). Enabling Love aims to provide a safe environment for individuals to meet new friends and form new connections and relationships.


Wellington City - Cuba St

04 470 7892 

Our core service provides a programme for our members to attend 9am-3pm weekdays.

The Evaro programme is innovative and fun. It provides an exciting environment where our membership/families and whanau can explore new interests, socialise and have fresh experiences. Each member chooses a programme individualised to their interests and developmental needs. Yearly goals and achievements are set to identify whether our programmes have delivered on expectations.

Hohepa Wellington


022 674 2413

Our services will substantially focus on building community partnerships to offer real vocational training, social opportunities and developing an ability to ‘get around’ the local community. We are currently in the initial stages of establishing relationships & partnerships with local community groups, authorities and education providers. Links will be made with the possible development of native nursery production planned in Hawke’s Bay. The aim is for Hōhepa Wellington residents to actively engage in environment and habitat protection work.

Idea Services

Johnsonville, Porirua, Hutt Valley and Kāpiti

06 350 9372

We work in partnership with you, your family and your community to support your choice about the things you like to do and people you like to spend time with. For some people it’s about employment and working towards employment, while others may choose other opportunities and experiences.

We have day services located in Johnsonville, Hutt Valley- and Kāpiti

L'Arche Kāpiti


04 298 4633

L’Arche Kāpiti has a small Day Programme for some of our older Core Members who prefer a more relaxed, home-based way to spend their day. Activities are planned on a group and individual basis, with Core Members playing an active role in determining goals, activities, and outings. Art and music therapy plays a large part in the rhythm of the Day Programme as does baking and cuppas. Overall, our Day Programme seeks to build relationships and engage with other people in the broader community through connecting with friends, attending community events, and hosting a Friday morning tea.

Maanaki Ability Trust

Lower Hutt - Woburn

 04 569 3091

Manaaki Ability Trust provides a variety of programmes that support and upskill participants to live fulfilling lives, which may include volunteering, paid employment, and living independently. In addition to our vocational and life skills programmes, we also offer programmes in the Arts, Technology, Social Sciences, and Numeracy and Literacy. We have a strong emphasis on Health and well-being, which is delivered in targeted programmes as well as being weaved throughout everything we do. We also offer The Duke of Edinburgh Award Programme, where participants can complete their Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards.

MASH Trust

Paraparaumu and Lower Hutt

0800 6274 878

Living Plus is the service within MASH Trust which provides day activity programs for people with an intellectual disability. Services are built around and be responsive to individual need.

We have a vocational day service for residents of our Bluegum Rd 

MASH provides a wide range of support services for people with mental health conditions, intellectual, physical disabilities, alcohol and addiction struggles and youth respite care.  MASH operates throughout the lower North Island.

Recreate NZ

Wellington Region

021 2299685

Recreate NZ is a not-for-profit charity that provides adventure, social, recreation and educational programmes for young people aged 10-35 with intellectual disabilities. 

Spectrum Care - Maranga

Wellington City - Cuba St


Spectrum Care is an independent charitable trust that provides support for children, young adults and adults with disabilities and their whanau. These include day, residential and respite services along with a school holiday programme.  We believe in providing person centered services and support options that focus on individual needs. 

The Shed Project


028 438 3396

The Shed Project aims to improve the lives of our people and the communities where they live by Enabling their goals and aspirations, providing Opportunities and promoting Inclusion and changing attitudes and beliefs towards the differently abled. 

Whitford Brown Community Trust

Tītahi Bay - Porirua



phone number

Our Community Participation programme is based upon individual aspirations as well as supporting people to build Lifeskills and Independence. Examples include Volunteer Work, accessing public places eg. Library, Pools. We have a work van that helps us to travel around the community.